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Eclipse Season 2021 Astrology

The Spring 2021 Lunar Eclipse: Guide to Eclipses in Astrology

Understanding the Power of Eclipses

Eclipses are powerful celestial events that occur when the Sun, Moon, and Earth align. During an eclipse, the Moon blocks out the Sun's light, causing a darkened day. This cosmic phenomenon is often associated with significant shifts and transformations in both the collective and personal realms.

Spring 2021 Lunar Eclipse: April 8th

The first eclipse of 2021 will be a lunar eclipse on April 8th. This eclipse will occur in the sign of Scorpio, a powerful and transformative sign. It is believed that this eclipse will bring profound emotional release and healing. It is an opportunity to let go of what no longer serves us and embrace new beginnings.

Meaning of Eclipses in Astrology

In astrology, eclipses are considered to be highly influential events that can trigger major life changes. Solar eclipses represent new beginnings and the initiation of new cycles. Lunar eclipses, on the other hand, mark endings and the release of what is no longer needed.

Astrology of November 2021: Transformational and Exciting

The astrology of November 2021 is filled with potential for change and transformation. The presence of the North Node in Gemini suggests a need for connection and communication. The alignment of Jupiter and Saturn in Aquarius indicates a collective desire for innovation and social change. This is a time to embrace adaptability and open up to new possibilities.
